
This website is for me to journal my progress and to record the long journey ahead to perfect pots. This site is also for my family and friends and other potter folk to keep apprised of my last potter projects . This blog will include descriptions and photographs of my pottery pieces that I make during my weekly pottery classes. I may also post interesting websites and information about pottery, throwing, and working with clay.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Glazed Pitcher from Session #3 Class One

Remember wayyy back when? When I wrote about my first class of the new Pottery session. Yes, January 15th. Well ... that "pot" that I made that first night was FINALLY fired and I was able to bring it home! (See picture on right) As you can see, I went a little overboard on the glazing techniques. It looks like a multi-colored patchwork. I used Maple Sugar on the handle and on the back of the top by the handle. (see picture on the left) I used Grey Violet Mandy on the back rear and Neil's Blue Green on the front and cross-over. It looks a little motley but I made it with my bare hands. That's something. Overall, it has pretty decent form.
I can't believe that in 10 weeks all I have to show for it - is one small piece.
What a shame. Maybe I missed too many classes. Maybe I wasn't very productive this session. But my last class, Thursday, March 19th, I was very productive and three magnificant pieces. I wish that I was better after 3 full sessions (about 10-11 weeks per session). I'm getting there and I plan to keep at it as long as I can.
I also found a "lost" piece. Evidently I didn't put the class symbol (a square for Sunday night classes) on the bottom of my pot, so after it was "bisqued" the pottery assistants didn't know where to put it. So I glazed it last week and got to bring it home. See pics attached. The date on the bottom says 109. (See pics on the right.)

So I'm guessing that I made it in January? I glazed it with Black Lapis all over and used the aerator to make swirls in blue. It looks much cooler with the flash from the camera. (See picture on the left)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Session 3 comes to a close

Next Thursday will be my last session (for this session). The session ran for 10 weeks. I thought it was at least 11, but I was mistaken. I have learned a great deal this time around. I've learned how to wedge my clay properly by using a rolling "skull" technique that a substitute instructor, Laura taught me during my second week.
I've gotten a little better at centering and I have also become more brave about using more clay to make larger pieces.
I have not been so productive this time around. I've only thrown maybe 10 or so pieces.
I didn't take any pictures this time around, but last night I glazed at least three pieces and they should be interesting after they are fired.
Dick worked with me a lot last night on trimming. He taught me about how to make the rim of the bottom level (or flat as the wheel). I began to understand the importance of trimming and how I can improve the final touches of my pots by a good trimming techniques.
I am also more motivated to check out this creative clay shop that everyone keeps talking about off of Edsall Rd.
I've missed Peggy since she's been out of the country. She missed 3 weeks total. I also think that she registered for the Sunday class this time around and not the Thursday night. :(